Tired of the Cold?


Keep your horses strong and prepping for the spring season! Have a cup of coffee while your horses work on the aqua treadmill

Case Study: Little Gun’s Road to Recovery

Patient Information:

Name: Little Gun

Height: 16.1 hands

Age: Approximately 15 years old

Breed: Warmblood

History: Little Gun had a successful career as a 1.15m-1.20m jumper with both junior and amateur riders.

Official Diagnosis: RF superficial digital flexor tendonitis.

History and Diagnosis:

Little Gun’s tendon injury was diagnosed during a routine wellness exam conducted by Davis Equine Sports Medicine. Despite appearing sound when trotted, the injury was discovered, leading to an initial round of traditional treatment. However, a re-check the following winter revealed a secondary injury to the same tendon, indicating the need for a more comprehensive approach.

Innovative Approach:

Realizing the complexity of Little Gun’s case, Dr. Stephanie researched advanced diagnostic techniques and discovered Ultrasound Tissue Characterization (UTC) technology. This technology can differentiate between different types of fibers within the tendon. It allows for the assessment of the proportions of healthy aligned fibers, the presence of scar tissue, the severity of an injury, and the influence of current exercise regimens on the tendon, all through a single scan. The UTC ultimately allows for a quantitative evaluation of the structural integrity of the tendon.

Treatment at VRC:

Little Gun was transferred to the Virginia Equine Rehabilitation Center (VRC) for specialized care. Over nine months, he underwent intensive therapy, including using the Tendon Pro and a range of other modalities such as shockwave, aqua, and dry tread therapies. Regular UTC scans provided crucial feedback on his progress.

Fun Fact:

During his stay at VRC, Little Gun endeared himself to the team with his love for scratches and affectionate demeanor, earning him the nickname “pocket pony.” He is also why Dr. Stephanie became part of the Equine Tendon team.


Little Gun made a full recovery thanks to the comprehensive treatment regimen at VRC. He returned to full work in January 2024 and back competing at the 1.10m!

We’re on the Latest Platinum Podcast episode

In the newest Platinum Podcast episode, join three leading veterinarians as they explore tendon injuries in the horse, including the three primary phases of healing and strategies for optimal recovery. From the latest rehabilitation techniques and advancements in research and technology, Drs. Lisa Fortier, Matt Durham, and Stephanie Davis give us an inside look into how they maximize impact to achieve the best possible outcome for the horse.
Listen here

Equine Tendon has launched a brand-new app for equine rehab management!

Introducing your all-in-one solution for the future of rehabilitation, crafted by industry experts. Equine Tendon is the leading service provider for TendonPro, MotionPro and Equitech now all situated in one seamless app for your convenience. Bringing you unparalleled service from our worldwide team .

Create your free account now and experience the future of equine rehabilitation and explore our continuously developing knowledge centre!

The Equinosis Q Lameness Locator

The Equinosis Q Lameness Locator is a cutting-edge system utilized at VRC for objectively assessing lameness in horses. This advanced technology provides precise measurements that are invaluable in diagnosing and treating equine lameness. At VRC, we rely on the Equinosis Q because it offers an objective measure in a field where subjective assessments can sometimes fall short. With its ability to detect even subtle lameness that may not be apparent to the naked eye, this system is 200 times more sensitive, allowing us to accurately evaluate multi-limb lameness and track progress in reducing pain and improving strength for our equine patients.


One of the lesser-known services offered at VRC is acupuncture, administered by Dr. Stephanie. Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of needles into specific points on the body, followed by mechanical or electrical stimulation. This process activates various nerve components, triggering biochemical and biophysical reactions that can alleviate pain and promote healing.

Acupuncture is utilized as a supplementary therapy at VRC, as it is non-invasive and can be incorporated into other treatments. Horses that respond well to acupuncture can benefit from focused relief and healing during their time at VRC.

While acupuncture is not used as a standalone treatment, Dr. Stephanie has successfully used it as part of a comprehensive approach. For instance, in one case, acupuncture helped manage discomfort in a colicking horse, potentially avoiding the need for surgery. This underscores the significant role acupuncture plays as a powerful supplementary therapy at VRC.

2024 Plans

Hoping everyone is getting excited about their 2024 plans! VRC is happy to help your horses get strong during the winter season or help rehab one to be ready for the summer or fall! Just give us a call to find out how we can create a specific program for you and your horse.